Little Nightmares 2's free Enhanced Edition update out today on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S

Tarsier Studio's deliciously sinister platform horror Little Nightmares 2 is getting a little spookier today on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC, courtesy of a free Enhanced Edition update.

Little Nightmares 2's Enhanced Edition aims to give the already richly atmospheric experience - which follows the adventures of new protagonist Mono and returning character Six through the grim streets of Pale City - an even moodier boost with a range of primarily visual enhancements.

There's ray-traced reflections, for starters, bringing live reflections to Little Nightmare's various shiny surfaces, as well as improved volumetric shadows - which, as publisher Bandai Namco explains in its announcement post, "add even more depth and detail to every object and enhance how rays of light are interrupted by moving objects".

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