Fights in Tight Spaces review - a strategical secret agent beat-'em-up that's almost there

Fights in Tight Spaces is a turn-based recreation of those moments in spy films, or any kind of action film really, where the hero is suddenly surrounded in an enclosed area and there can't possibly be any way out. Except there obviously is, through a carefully choreographed fight scene, in which we get to see just how hard our hero is. They swirl around, a blur of arms and elbows, and all of a sudden enemies are punching each other and looking very confused, and a gun goes off, and someone's fighting with a towel for some reason, and then the scene ends in stillness as the hero stands triumphant amid bodies strewn around them. It's textbook stuff.

In Fights in Tight Spaces, you're that hero, a smartly dressed agent working for some James Bond-like organisation trying to take down some criminal organisations. And you have an impressive array of moves up your sleeve. You can leap off walls to propel attacks, you can roll over enemies while acrobatically taking them down, and you can smash heads into scenery. You can even jump-kick enemies either side of you, which is something I've always wanted to be able to do but I always end up kicking the television.

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