Can the fundamental trouble with esports ever be properly solved?

Hit Points, in case you haven't come across it before, is an incredible free newsletter from friend of Eurogamer and former Edge editor Nathan Brown, delivering insight and commentary on the videogame industry. We're delighted to be partnering with Nathan to provide a platform for some of his pieces, continuing with this from earlier in the week on esport's perennial problem. If you like what you've read, do head over and subscribe!

I've been watching quite a bit of basketball lately. It's not a sport I've paid much attention to since my schooldays, when I used to play a bit. But I drifted back to it in 2020, when it was one of the first sports to find a way back from Covid, and the NBA drummed up global interest by showing games online for free. I've kept tabs on it since, and now the playoffs have started - and the football season is winding down - I've found myself getting quite into it again.

I understand the fundamentals of the sport, and over time have got my head around what in videogame terms we would call its current meta. I have no favourite team, but a few I like to watch and see win. I am starting to understand the tactical side of the game, and am beginning to parse the meanings of small parts of its arcane lexicon. I know what a pick and roll is now! I think, anyway. Please don't ask me to explain it, however.

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