Foolish Mortals is a Monkey Island-like point and click adventure with a free demo on Steam

I recently got word there was a Monkey Island-like game in the works. This in itself is not exactly unusual - point and click games have always been around, even if they are not as prevalent as they once were.

But this Monkey Island-like game has something else going for it that made my ears prick up. Not only is it described as a "merry and macabre point and click adventure game" by its developers, but it also happens to have Jonathan Ackley (Curse of Monkey Island's co-director) giving it his seal of approval. Colour me interested!

The game in question is Foolish Mortals, and it comes from the minds at Inklingwood Studios - you can see a teaser for it below. Heavily inspired by the Monkey Island series, this game takes place in an exotic locale and, as luck would have it, there is a demo for it available right now on Steam. So, of course, I headed on over to give this upcoming release a whirl.

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