Tim Schafer says the best, most inclusive games are "never based on stereotypes"

Double Fine boss Tim Schafer has revealed he avoids "a grab bag of stereotypes" to make his games more inclusive and avoid "hurting people".

In an interview with NME, Schafer revealed that when he started making games back in the '80s, there was "a lot less sensitivity" around, but between developing 2005's Psychonauts and its 2021 sequel, he'd "learned a lot" and was "thinking about how [his] art will be interpreted by the viewer".

"I thought I'd learned a lot, and then we tested a game, and people pointed out a word and asked if we knew what this word means to certain people," the Schafer said. "I had no idea – and people will criticise that and say 'woke culture, PC police' and stuff – but for any art, I'm thinking about how my art will be interpreted by the viewer.

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