Yes, you really do have to pay for an extra character slot in Metal Gear Survive

Konami's Metal Gear Survive - the first in the Metal Gear series since creator Hideo Kojima's departure - is out in the UK today. It's an okay video game! But it also contains one of the more bizarre - and perhaps obnoxious - examples of microtransactions I've seen in a full price video game to date.

Metal Gear Survive contains a second currency powered by 'SV Coins' - coins that can only be purchased with real money - which enable access to XP boosters during your playthrough. All fairly mucky stuff, really, and nothing I'd condone - cosmetic items, at a push, are okay, though if you're willingly breaking your own game in exchange for cold hard cash I think you're admitting your progression system might be kind of broken already - but Metal Gear Survive does something fairly new to me.

In exchange for 1000 SV coins - around £7.99, seeing as that's how much a bundle of 1150 coins will cost you - you unlock access to an additional character slot. And that's the only way you can access an additional character slot.

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