Turns out Bethesda did make Fallout 76 canvas bags and gave them out to influencers

Bethesda's troubles continue today as fans unhappy at the quality of Fallout 76's Power Armour Edition bags have now discovered that canvas bags were given out, for free, to influencers.

I'm not going to go into the whole thing again - if you missed it, you can read Emma's brilliant summary right here - but essentially, a canvas duffle bag promised in the pretty expensive collector's edition turned out to be a presumably cheaper and less durable nylon equivalent. Bethesda compounded the issue by retrospectively changing the item's description - which didn't work, as people had already screencapped the original one - and then by offering a fairly derisory $5 in-game currency by way of compensation. There was also a very unfortunate customer services exchange in which the Bethesda rep said: "the bag shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make. We aren't planning on doing anything about it", prompting Bethesda to dismiss the claims from its own rep as "ridiculous and inaccurate".

Bethesda has now formally apologised about the whole situation and promises to "do better in the future".

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