Newly discovered The Division 2 easter egg points to Viking-themed next Assassin's Creed

An easter egg recently uncovered in Ubisoft's latest online shooter The Division 2 has ignited speculation that the next Assassin's Creed game may well have a Viking theme.

The easter egg in question can be found in The Division 2's Potomac Event Center, and keen-eyed visitors (as initially detailed by user AlifMorrisonudin on the Assassin's Creed Wiki) might notice a number of posters strewn around the walls, all sporting the titled Valhalla (from Norse mythology). That in itself isn't particularly unusual - but things get a little fishier when you take a closer look at the posters in question.

The image displays a Norse-like figure standing in profile, with a mysterious round object clutched tightly in their hand. After a spot of the old ENHANCE, it transpires that the object looks awfully similar to one of the powerful Apple of Eden artefacts at the centre of Assassin's Creed's history-spanning storyline. First, here's the poster:

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