2020 in preview: Wicca is a game with an awful lot of ideas

Now that 2020 is here we're having a little look ahead at some of the year's new games that have us intrigued.

God, I'm excited about Wicca. Not only is it a follow-up to Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves, one of the most interesting strategy/tactical hybrids I've ever played, but it also feels stuffed with the same level of ideas that Sang-Froid came with.

Sang-Froid always felt like a game that had benefited from a certain degree of isolation. Let other games chase the easy pitch; instead, here's a 19th century story of brothers protecting a homestead from wolves and other beasties, a game about managing diminishing resources by placing traps and gadding around a map in real-time as you give your foes a wintry shoeing.

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